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Compatible seat and lid for toilet JACOB DELAFONT model ALTAIR custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH CUSHIONED DROP.
Compatible seat and lid for NOKEN toilet model ITACA custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH CUSHIONED DROP< /span>.
Compatible seat and lid for toilet SANITANA model COLONIA custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED.
Compatible seat and lid for toilet VALADARESmodel ASSIMETRICA custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH CUSHIONED DROP.
Compatible seat and lid for toilet IDEAL STANDARD model CALLA custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH CUSHIONED DROP.
Compatible seat and lid for toilet ALTHEA model HERA custom-made.
Compatible seat and lid for toilet BATHCO model IBIZA custom-made.
Compatible seat and lid for toilet CIFIAL model EDEN custom-made.
Compatible seat and lid for toiletGALASSIAmodel EL 1.2custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. Lid NOT WRAP, the original factory version YES it is, in the manufacture of the seats as we supply...
Compatible seat and lid for toilet VILEROY BOCH model GRAN GRACIA custom made.< /strong> The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED. NON-WRAPPED Lid, the original factory version YESit...
Compatible seat and lid for toilet CERABATImodel ERICA custom-made. The manufacturing of the seats is made from the original toilet, respecting its shape, dimension and distance between holes, these rules allow a perfect fit to the toilet and easy assembly. FIXING HARDWARE INCLUDED. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH CUSHIONED DROP.
Barra de ducha con dos soportes de fijación ajustables. Diametro: 20,6 mm. Acabado en cromo.
Conjunto de ducha TRES compuesto por: -Ducha fija 200 x 200 m. -Ducha de mano anticalcárea. -Flexo doble engatillado para conexiónes a grupo termostático y maneral de ducha. Consumo de agua: -Ducha fija: 12 l/min. -Ducha de mano: 15 l/min.
Ducha ECO-ANTICAL de TRES. Consumo de agua: 7,5 l/min. Acabada en cromo.
Jet circular empotrado de hidromasaje con 1 chorro orientable. Incluye un sistema antical, válvula antiretorno y limitador de caudal: 5 l/m. Ø 130 mm. Acabado en cromo.
Base de banho revestida com Gel-Coat, unida à massa por um processo físico-químico, que confere à mesma as mesmas propriedades tanto dentro como fora dela: as mesmas propriedades da pedra.Sua composição oferece as melhores qualidades mecânicas, higiênicas e estéticas, além de facilidade de manutenção, limpeza e resistência a agentes externos de...
Angular shower screen consisting of 2 fixed and 2 sliding doors without lower guides.Choice of measurements: the first measurement corresponds to the left side, and the second to the right (front view).Profile finished in white, black or silver.Colorless or patterned glass "NOISE"Extendable up to 30 mm. on each side for a perfect fit in the assembly.6mm...
Percha doble compuesta de un soporte a pared, un florón cubre soporte y una percha doble. La percha se compone de un cilindro realizado en acero inoxidable AISI 304 de diámetro 19 mm. con otro cilindro con forma de “V” fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI 304 y 8 mm. de diámetro que cruza perpendicularmente el cilindro central y se une al mismo mediante...
Vaso para baño compuesto de un soporte a pared, un florón cubre soporte y un plato. Plato fabricado en vidrio prensado mateado al ácido y encastrado a su vez a un soporte circular fijado a un cilindro mediante tornillería.
Jabonera compuesta de un soporte a pared, un florón cubre soporte y cesta para jabón. La cesta está fabricada en varilla de acero inoxidable AISI 304 a modo de recipiente y se une al cilindro central, fabricado en acero inoxidable AISI 304 de 18 mm. de diámetro, mediante tornillería.
Portarrollos de papel higienico acabado en latón.
Escobillero mural compuesto de un conjunto soporte a pared circular, un vaso porta escobillas fijación lateral y el conjunto escobilla. El conjunto soporte a pared, montado mediante tornillería y fabricado en latón cromado,lo forman un plafón y un accesorio de fijación circular. El vaso porta escobillas, fabricado en vidrio prensado mateado al acido, se...